
If you’re short on time, you may skip a warmup and jump right into your workout. But doing so will increase your risk of injury, and put more strain on your muscles. When preparing for any kind of exercise, it’s important to take a few minutes to ease your muscles into exercise mode....
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What is HIIT? HIIT, high-intensity interval training, is a form of high-intensity cardiovascular training modality that alternates between short periods of anaerobic exercise with short recovery sections. It is becoming more and more popular due to less time requirement and noticeable effect. You will inevitably experience repeated high-intensity efforts throughout your exercises...
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Jump rope is one of the best workouts you can do. You’ll burn fat, lose weight, and improve your heart, all while gaining lean muscle mass. As it is shown in the study which was published in 2013,college men who spent 10 minutes jumping rope daily for six weeks improved their cardiovascular...
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Do you often wondering what you should eat before and after a running or workout? You may ask whether it's necessary to eat at all? This is an important question to ask because proper fuel can make a huge difference in your energy level, mood, and results and greatly influence how likely you...
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In the last blog, we have introduced 4 benefits of running to you. Do you try to go out and run for a while in your spare time? If not, you’d better read this blog which tells you what we should pay attention to when we start running. How to choose a running...
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It is assumed that the ancestors of humankind developed the ability to run for long distances about 2.6 million years ago, probably to hunt animals. Records of competitive running date back to Ireland between 632 BCE and 1171 BCE. As time goes by, running has been described as the world's most accessible sport. As a...
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