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How to Jump Rope in an Easy Way

25 Mar 2021

Jump rope is one of the best workouts you can do. You’ll burn fat, lose weight, and improve your heart, all while gaining lean muscle mass. As it is shown in the study which was published in 2013,college men who spent 10 minutes jumping rope daily for six weeks improved their cardiovascular fitness just as much as college men who spent 30 minutes jogging for the same time. Moreover, jump rope can be easily combined with a workout which allows it more interesting.
Three jump rope workouts described as the following will make you love this at-home exercise.

How to Jump Rope in Easy Way

Jump Rope Strength Workout

Round 1

  • Basic jump (20 seconds), rest (40 seconds)
  • Push-up (20 seconds), rest (40 seconds)
  • Basic jump (20 seconds) rest (40 seconds)
  • Squat thrust (20 seconds), rest (40 seconds)
  • Basic jump (20 seconds), rest (40 seconds)

Round 2

  • Basic jump (20 seconds), rest (40 seconds)
  • Inch worm (30 seconds), rest (30 seconds)
  • Basic jump (20 seconds), rest (40 seconds)
  • Body weight squat (30 seconds), rest (30 seconds)
  • Basic jump (20 seconds), rest (40 seconds)

Jump Rope HIIT Workout

Round 1

  • Basic jump (20 seconds), rest (40 seconds)
  • Squat jump (30 seconds), rest (30 seconds)
  • Basic jump (20 seconds), rest (40 seconds)
  • Mountain climber (30 seconds), rest (30 seconds)
  • Basic jump (20 seconds), rest (40 seconds)

Round 2

  • Alternating foot jumps (20 seconds), rest (10 seconds)
  • Drop squat (30 seconds), rest (30 seconds)
  • Alternating foot jumps (20 seconds), rest (10 seconds)
  • Forearm plank (30 seconds), rest (30 seconds)
  • Alternate foot (20 seconds), rest (10 seconds)
  • Drop squat (30 seconds), rest (30 seconds)
  • Alternate foot (20 seconds), rest (10 seconds)

Jump Rope Endurance Workout

Round 1

  • Freestyle jump (30 seconds), rest (30 seconds)
  • Repeat five times total

Round 2

  • Freestyle jump (40 seconds), rest (20 seconds)
  • Repeat five times total

Round 3

  • Freestyle jump (30 seconds), rest (30 seconds)
  • Repeat five times total

We mentioned above are workouts easy-to-do at home and the difficulties are kind to newbies. Ready to hop to it? Grab a rope and try on your equipment and give these workouts a try.

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